Quite an interesting question popped by Clemens Kofler on twitter: What retina devices are out there in the wild. (CSS pixel ratio >=1.5)?
Does anyone have an up-to-date list of Retina (CSS pixel ratio >= 1.5) devices lying around that they are willing to share? #lazyweb
— Clemens Kofler (@clemensk) 4. März 2013
Well, as it happens I started to track retina display visits to my site back in October 2012. So I have some data I can share. The data is the salespage and my blog of my online hotel booking SaaS product: igumbi.com
Phones and iPads still rule

The majority of the visits are from iPhones and iPads, not surprising as they sport retina displays since the iPhone 4, and that dates back almost 3 years already. iPad joined the party since iPad 3 (was introduced back March 2012).

OSX retina display access, well that would be the expensive Macbooks - shipping since Q3/2012 - is steadily picking up. I also like the longer engagement on my site, but then again I have started some retina tweaks to appeal to those visitors;).
the mobile devices

No surprise, iPhone and iPad is at the top the list, but there is quite a diverse range of devices in Android land that sport CSS pixel ratio >=1.5
Tracking retina views is not so easy and can't be turned on in retrospective in your Analytics solution. You need to execute some javascript while the visitor is on your site. I opted to implement a custom analytics variable to do that back in October 2012.
Here is the code I use for tracking retina displays. This allows for setting up a "custom segment" in Google Analytics to pick up that variable and honing in on the target group.
<script type="text/javascript">
var pixelRatio = (window.devicePixelRatio >= 1.5) ? "high" : "normal";
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-1234567-01']);
_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 3, 'PixelRatio', pixelRatio, 2 ]);

igumbi ist eine online Hotelsoftware mit einem einfachen und schnellen Buchungstool für Ihre Website. Mit dynamischen Preisen auf Ihrer Website und in den Portalen erhöhen Sie Ihren Umsatz und Gewinn.
Wir steigern Ihre provisionsfreien Direktbuchungen. Sie sparen Zeit und haben mit der iPhone App unterwegs Zugriff auf Ihre Daten.
- Hotelsoftware Automatisieren Sie Ihren Betrieb mit der igumbi Hotelsoftware. Kostenlose Demo: jetzt unverbindlich probieren und Umsatz steigern
- Online Buchungstool Das Hotel-Buchungssystem generiert provisionsfreie Direktbuchungen zum Fixpreis. Ohne externe Kontingentwartung.
- iPad und iPhone Schnelleinstieg in die Hotelsoftware Einfach die igumbi Hotelsoftware am iPad & iPhone nutzen. Schnell am Belegungsplan nachsehen oder eine Reservierung anlegen. Einen Shortcut am Homescreen ablegen.
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vor more than 11 years
Hi, Nice article, stumbled upon here via Google (wasn't that easy to guess)
I am from a company having 300+ outdoor media billboards.
We're looking for some sort of hardware solution (chip etc.) that we can install on all units that can track count of number of eyeballs that have seen the ads (retina sensing), can count the time, record that data and sends back to our server so that we can work out exact analytic for our clients.
I know this is weird asking, and that even Google is at it, but do you know of any solution that can be worked out, pl share.
Prash India